If you are an employee or job seeker that has recently experienced unlawful discrimination, it is important for you to file a complaint. Don’t fret over filing a complaint because your employer is legally forbidden from retaliating against you for filing a discrimination claim.
When Do You File a Discrimination Claim?
You have 180 days after an incident to file a claim. That means you have approximately six months to gather all the information you need for your claim. Although you have 180 days, it’s a good idea to file the claim as soon as possible. Immediate action will help to guarantee a successful investigation of the claim.
What Information Should You Provide?
When filing your discrimination claim, you need to provide your name, address and telephone number. You’ll also need to provide the EEOC with specific details about your employer. Be prepared to describe the details of the incident and record dates of violations.
What Happens When the Discrimination Claim is Resolved?
When the EEOC concludes that discrimination did occur, you can expect to receive compensation in various ways including hiring, promotion, back pay, front pay, reinstatement or other appropriate accommodations.
Important Tips to Consider When Filing a Discriminatory Claim
- Try to keep track of when the discrimination happened.
- Recording specific dates and details will make for a more thorough and accurate investigation.
- Remember to file your complaint as soon as possible in order to fully protect your legal rights.
- Cooperate fully with the investigation of the claim.
- It’s important to provide as much detailed information and evidence as possible.
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