
What Is Chinese Overtime?

All overtime work that is ordered or approved must be compensated, according to the Fair Labor and Standards Act (FLSA). Wages earned are a pretty straightforward calculation when it comes to those who work for pay on an hourly basis. … Continued

Starting a new business? Selling your business? We can help!

Buying a business? Selling your business? Starting a new entity? The Law Offices of Craig M. Dorne, PA can help you through the complicated process.  Our law firm can assist in all aspects of the buying or selling of a … Continued

Prep Business Associate Agreements Before HIPAA Deadline

On January 25, 2013, the Final HIPAA Omnibus Rule – Final Rule – was published containing several new requirements for business associate agreements. Even though, it didn’t go into effect until September 23, 2013, any grandfathered business associate agreements that were … Continued