Discrimination Claims
Anti-discrimination law addresses the act of making choices based upon a person’s race, gender, religion, national origin (ethnicity), disability, or age (over 40) or other protected class. Most states and the federal government have laws that prohibit private persons, organizations or governments from discriminating against people because of certain protected characteristics. In employment, individuals are protected from discrimination by employers under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), the Americans with Disabilities in Employment Act, and other federal and state laws.
Where being of a particular class is necessary to do the job, an employer is allowed to discriminate. This is called a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ). Our firm helps you defend against false claims by employees. We help you avoid the burdens of trial by first determining whether a claim is valid, establishing valid defenses to the charges, and seeking the least burdensome alternatives to trial.
Discrimination Claims Lawyer
Choosing the right Discrimination Claims Lawyer is something you must pay very close attention to, always ask for references, and you should always verify the attorney is licensed and in good standing to practice law by calling the state bar where the attorney is licensed.
For more information or if you need help with a legal issue please contact the law office of Craig M. Dorne, PA Located at 2655 S. Le Jeune Road PH 2C Coral Gables, Florida 33134, Phone: (305) 531-7890, You can also contact us via our web form.